You can use the Peachfolio Price Bot to add easily accessible charts and buy updates to your Telegram group.
The price bot lets you display the latest price of your BSC token, a 7-day chart and a link to your token’s PeachHub chart, and Buy Alerts for your token.
Follow the steps below to add the price bot to your Telegram group.
Go to your Telegram group.
Tap your group’s name at the top to go to the group settings.
Tap Add Member.
Search for “PeachfolioPennyBot”.
Tap Peachfolio’s”Penny” Chart Bot.
Tap the Confirm icon to add the bot.
Tap Add on the pop-up.
You can optionally give the price bot Admin privileges if you want it to periodically delete your user’s commands. This can be useful if you want to reduce clutter in your group.
Tap your group’s name to go back to your settings.
Tap Peachfolio’s”Penny” Chart Bot in the member list.
Tap the Edit icon in the top bar.
Tap Administrators.
Tap Add Admin.
Select Peachfolio’s”Penny” Chart Bot from the list of members.
Make sure that the Delete Messages permission is enabled.
Tap the Confirm icon .
Administrator commands
Below are the commands that Admins in your telegram group can use. These commands are not available to members of your community.
Adding your contract to the bot
Use /setcontract along with your contract address to set the token that’s used for charts and Buy Alerts.
For example, to set up a price bot for the PCHF token, you can enter “/setcontract 0xc1cbfb96a1d5361590b8df04ef78de2fa3178390”.
Creating Buy Alerts
You can set up Buy Alerts for your token with the Peachfolio Price Bot. Let your community know every time someone buys an amount of tokens over a threshold you choose.
Use /enablealerts to enable Buy Alerts for your token.
Use /setthreshold to change the value that will trigger an alert.
The default threshold is $500 by default.
Your threshold must be equal to or greater than $100.
Use /stopalerts if you want to stop your Buy Alerts.
After you enable Buy Alerts, the Peachfolio Price Bot will periodically search for buys of the set token. If it finds a buy over the threshold you set, the bot will post an alert graphic to the chat.
Other information about the Price Bot
The Peachfolio Price Bot will clean up any messages it sends after set timeframes.
Instructions will be deleted after 3 minutes, charts after 30 minutes, and Buy Alerts after 3 hours.
You need to make the Peachfolio Price Bot an administrator of your Telegram group with the Delete Messages privileges if you want it delete your community’s user commands.
In order to send images the chat must allow images to be posted or Penny Bot must be given these privileges specifically.
User commands
Below are the commands that your community members can use to interact with the Peachfolio Price Bot. These commands are available to all members of your group.
Use /price to get the token price for the set token.
Use /chart to get a 24-hour chart view for the set token.
Use /chart7 to get to a 7-day chart view for the set token.