Quick guide: Buy $PCHF on PancakeSwap

How to buy the Peachfolio $PCHF token on PancakeSwap

  1. Copy this contract address: 0xc1CbFB96A1D5361590b8DF04EF78DE2fa3178390
  2. Go to the PancakeSwap Trade page.
  3. If a pop-up appears, jump to step 7. If not, go to to step 4.
  4. Tap Select a currency.
  5. Paste the $PCHF contract in the search bar.
  6. Tap Import beside PCHF Peachfolio.
  7. Tap the box beside I understand and tap Import.
  8. Enter the amount of BNB you want to spend under From.
    Tip: Never use Max. If you spend all of your BNB, you won’t have any left for transaction fees.
  9. Click Add beside the name of the token to save it for later use.
  10. Click the Settings icon.
  11. Enter 11% as the slippage tolerance in the field. You can use higher if needed.
  12. Click X to close the pop-up.
  13. Click Swap to buy your Peachfolio tokens.

Need more help?

If you’re having problems, check out our more detailed guide to swapping tokens on PancakeSwap for Trust Wallet, Metamask, and the Chrome browser using the Metamask extension.

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8-10% Slippage